Magnesium: the fourth most abundant mineral in the body, and essential to good health. Approximately 50% of total body magnesium is found in bone. The other half is found predominantly inside cells of body tissues and organs. Only 1% of magnesium is found in blood, but the body works very hard to keep blood levels of magnesium constant. Magnesium is needed for more than 300 biochemical reactions in the body. It helps maintain normal muscle and nerve function, keeps heart rhythm steady, supports a healthy immune system, and keeps bones strong. Magnesium also helps regulate blood sugar levels, promotes normal blood pressure, and is known to be involved in energy metabolism and protein synthesis. There is an increased interest in the role of magnesium in preventing and managing disorders such as hypertension, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes. Dietary magnesium is absorbed in the small intestines. Magnesium is excreted through the kidneys . Green vegetables such as spinach are good sources of magnesium because the center of the chlorophyll molecule (which gives green vegetables their color) contains magnesium. Some legumes (beans and peas), nuts and seeds, and whole, unrefined grains are also good sources of magnesium.
malocclusion: a bite where the teeth are not aligned properly.
Management Function of Coordinating: a document written by Carter McNamara, MBA, PhD, Authenticity Consulting, LLC. Adapted from the Field Guide to Leadership and Supervision. This is a resource that gives non-profit information on coordinating.
Management Function of Organizing Overview of Methods: a document that assembled by Carter McNamara, MBA, PhD outlining some of the major types of organizing required in non-profit business organization.
mandibular condyles: the condyle (knuckle of a joint) of the ramus (One of the two prominent, projecting back parts of the horseshoe-shaped lower jaw bone) of the mandible (jaw) that articulates with the skull.
Mandibular Joint: the jaw joint; it is frequently referred to as TMJ as it connects the Mandibular to the temporal bone. Also called the Temporomandibular joint There are two TMJs, one on either side, working in unison. The name is derived from the two bones which form the joint: the upper temporal bone which is part of the cranium (skull), and the the lower jaw bone called the mandible. The unique feature of the TMJs is the articular disk. The disk is composed of fibrocartilagenous tissue (like the firm but flexible cartilage of the ear) which is positioned between the two bones that form the joint. The TMJs are the only synovial joints in the human body with an articular disk. The disk divides each joint into two. The lower joint compartment formed by the mandible and the articular disk is involved in rotational movement (opening and closing movements). The upper joint compartment formed by the articular disk and the temporal bone is involved in translational movements (sliding the lower jaw forward or side to side). The part of the mandible which mates to the under-surface of the disk is the condyle and the part of the temporal bone which mates to the upper surface of the disk is the glenoid (or mandibular) fossa.
Manual of Clinical Oncology: a book that provides a concise and accessible reference covering all aspects of clinical oncology and is of use to all who care for people with cancer.
MarcoPharma International: an organization that presents information about therapies and products of ten companies. These products are carefully chosen by German physicians well experienced in biological therapies. Their goal is to provide information and additional education for the health professional. With this information, the professional in the United States can now attain information on products; and research many areas of treatments.
Marcozyme: an anti-inflammatory. It can prevent the premature use of antibiotics. They have to be taken in high dosages; up to 8 tablets 3 times daily until improvement is felt and they are generally well tolerated. The only contraindication known is for sufferers of gastric and/or duodenal ulcers.
mast cells: leukocytes which contain metachromatic granules which store a variety of inflammatory mediators. These include histamineand serotonin, proteolytic enzymes that can destroy tissue or cleave complement components, and heparin or chondroitin sulfate, which are anticoagulants.
Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS): designed to provide both workers and emergency personnel with the proper procedures for handling or working with a particular substance. MSDS's include information such as physical data (melting point, boiling point, flash point etc.), toxicity, health effects, first aid, reactivity, storage, disposal, protective equipment, andspill/leak procedures. These are of particular use if a spill or other accident occurs.
maxillary: the upper jaw.
Maxillary Sinus: the largest paranasal sinus. It is intimately related to the upper teeth, tear duct, and the floor of the orbital cavity.
Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Count: the measure of Hemoglobin a red blood cell contains. It is reported in a standard blood count. It is calculated by dividing the total mass of hemoglobin by the Red Blood Cell Count.
medical intuitive: a person who can transcend the physical plane beyond time and space to Universal Consciousness. By doing this, they are able to provide a patient with exquisitely-detailed information and a personal protocol to follow in order to heal.
Medical-Legal Consulting Institute: an institute that certifies nurses on becoming Certified Legal Nurse Consultants CLNC. CLNC's know how to read medical records and understand the terminology and subtleties of healthcare issues. While the attorney is the expert on legal issues, the CLNC is the expert on nursing and the inner workings of the healthcare system. As a CLNC they apply their knowledge of medical, nursing and health-related issues to make the attorney's job easier, more efficient and more effective. Their professional expertise as an RN and a CLNC qualifies them to review and interpret relevant medical records, prepare chronologies, screen medical-related cases, assist with discovery and provide dozens of other services.
Medicine Cards: Just for Today: a deck of 44 animal totemic cards. Using the same beautiful full-color illustrations as the original "Medicine Cards" this smaller deck uses the power of animals. Medicine%20Cards%20Just%20for%20Today
medulla: the lower portion of the brainstem. It controls autonomic functions and relays nerve signals between the brain and spinal cord.
Menopause: the time when a woman stops menstruating.
Mercaptobenzothiazole: a hazardous chemical used in building materials, furnishings and pesticide products.
Mercury Amalgam, Petition to Order It’s Withdrawal From Interstate Commerce: a petition from Moms Against Mercury, the Connecticut Coalition for Envioronmental Justice, Oregonians for Life, Californai Citizens for Health Freedom, Kevin J. Biggers (member of the Dental Board fo California), Karen Johnson (Arizona State Senator), Linda Brocatto, R. Andrew Landermand, D.D.S., andAnita Vaqzuez.
Mercury Disposal: mercury compounds are to be handled as hazardous waste. Here outlined by Princeton University is the procedure for their Mercury Disposing. Collect mercury in a sealable container. Place broken thermometers or similar materials in a sealable plastic bag or plastic or glass jar. Keep the amount of debris to a minimum. Be sure that materials may be easily removed for consolidation.Label the container "MERCURY SPILL DEBRIS". Keep the material in your laboratory until the next scheduled waste pickup.
Mercury Free Dentists: Dentists who do not use metal fillings also known as amalgams.
"Debate on Mercury in Fillings": LA Times article by Amy Pyle. It was published on October 25, 1999, in response to actions taken in the state of California by Consumers for Dental Choice (CDC).
Mercury Poisoning and MS: research that suggests chronic mercury poisoning causes many problems including symptoms indistinguishable from MS: numbness, fatigue, blindness, paralysis, etc.
Mercury-Poisoning, the ABC’s of: a handbook for victims of mercury-poisoning from dental amalgam, published by the Swedish Association of Dental Mercury Patients.
meridian: see acupuncture meridians.
mesenteric: any of several folds of the peritoneum that connect the intestines to the dorsal abdominal wall, especially such a fold that envelops the jejunum and ileum.
Mesothelioma: a form of cancer that is almost always caused by previous exposure to asbestos. In this disease, malignant cells develop in the mesothelium, a protective lining that covers most of the body's internal organs.
Mezereum Homaccord:a Heel remedy for the temporary relief of symptoms of vesicular eczema including burning and itching, dry, rough, scaly skin, and edema.
Microhydrin: a powerful antioxidant that promotes increased nutrient absorption, increased cellular hydration, enhanced cellular communication, protection against free radicals, improved energy production, and improved delivery of oxygen to cells.
Miller, Dr. Willoughby Dayton: an American dentist working in Germany who discovered the cause of tooth decay. Willoughby D. Miller had been trained in dentistry, but he also held degrees in chemistry, physics, and applied mathematics. He became the first foreign professor at the University of Berlin. Using his wealth of scientific knowledge, Miller performed extensive research on dental problems. In l890, his work culminated in one of dentistry's most important discoveries: oral bacteria, feeding on food particles, produced arms that caused tooth decay. Armed with this knowledge, people could now prevent by improving their oral hygiene. The era of prevention had begun. Dentists initiated periodic dental prophylaxis. Empowered With a new slogan ''A clean tooth never decays", they urged the public to improve their oral hygiene habits.
Minerals: there are two kinds of minerals: macrominerals and trace minerals. Macro means "large" in Greek (and your body needs larger amounts of macrominerals than trace minerals). The macromineral group is made up of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, potassium, chloride, and sulfur. A trace of something means that there is only a little of it. So even though your body needs trace minerals, it needs just a tiny bit of each one. Scientists aren't even sure how much of these minerals you need each day. Trace minerals includes iron, manganese, copper, iodine, zinc, cobalt, fluoride, and selenium.
Minnesota Council of Nonprofts - Management Resources: founded in 1987 to meet the increasing information needs of nonprofits and to convene nonprofits to address issues facing the sector. MCN is the statewide association of more than 1,750 member nonprofit organizations. Through its Web site, resource publications, workshops and events, cost-saving programs and advocacy, MCN continually works to inform, promote, connect and strengthen individual nonprofits and the nonprofit sector.
Monocytes: a large white blood cell with finely granulated chromatin dispersed throughout the nucleus that is formed in the bone marrow, enters the blood, and migrates into the connective tissue where it differentiates into a macrophage
Monounsaturated: fatty acids that have one double-bonded (unsaturated) carbon in the molecule. Monounsaturated fats are typically liquid at room temperature but start to turn solid when chilled. Olive oil is an example of a type of oil that contains monounsaturated fats. Monounsaturated fats can have a beneficial effect on your health… when eaten in moderation and when used to replace saturated fats or trans fats. Monounsaturated fats can help reduce bad cholesterol levels in your blood and lower your risk of heart disease and stroke. They also provide nutrients to help develop and maintain your body’s cells. Monounsaturated fats are also typically high in vitamin E, an antioxidant vitamin most Americans need more of.
Monsanto: an agricultural company that applies innovation and technology to help farmers around the world be successful, produce healthier foods, better animal feeds and more fiber, while also reducing agriculture's impact on our environment.
morphine: a narcotic analgesic. In man, morphine produces a variety of effects including analgesia, sedation, changes in mood including euphoria and dysphoria, mental clouding, respiratory depression from reduced responsiveness of the brain stem respiratory centres to CO2, suppression of the cough reflex, constipation from decreased gastrointestinal activity, nausea and vomiting via stimulation of the chemoreceptor trigger zone (CTZ), alterations of the endocrine and autonomic nervous system. Morphine is readily absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract following oral administration. CPS-%20Monographs/CPS-%20(General%20Monographs-%20O)/ ORAMORPH%20SR.html
Morton, Dr. William: an MD, PhD professor emeritus of OHSU, specializes in public health and preventive medicine.After 12 years of work on cardiovascular disease screening and environmental epidemiology, Dr. Morton's emphasis shifted to the occupational and environmental epidemiology of various cancers, with particular attention to the health effects of non-ionizing radiation. For the last 15 years, his work has concentrated on the clinical diagnosis of occupational and environmental toxic conditions. Dr. Morton has taught epidemiology for 35 years and occupational medicine for 25 years.
motor neuron: a neuron that passes from the central nervous system or a ganglion toward or to a muscle and conducts an impulse that causes movement. mwmednlm?book=Medical&va=motor%20neuron
Mullein: a flowering plant. Scientifically known as the verbascum thapsus. It is a good respiratory remedy. Also for toning the mucous membranes of the respiratory system, reducing inflammation whilst stimulating fluid production and thus facilitating expectoration. It is considered a specific in bronchitis where there is a hard cough with soreness. Its anti-inflammatory and demulcent properties indicate its use in inflammation of the trachea and associated conditions. Externally an extract made in olive oil is excellent in soothing and healing any inflamed surface or easing ear problems. .
multiple chemical sensitivities: people who are physically injured by chemicals (chemical injury) become subsequently hypersensitive to chemcials (chemically sensitive, multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS), environmentally ill). One toxic event or low level exposures to chemicals over time can cause this. The injury occurs when the overall toxic load has gone past the body's limit of coping.
My Aminoplex: A uniquely formulated amino acid supplement, My AminoPlex was developed after extensive amino acid testing and research. It has a number of important co-factors (P-5-P, magnesium, folic acid, and zinc), which are critical in the proper metabolism of amino acids. Amino acids are the major component of most cells. Their functions range from transport and regulation of neural signals, neurotransmitters, muscle activity, formation of ligaments, tendons, bones as well as hormone production.
Mycobacterium: a genus of gram positive bacteria, its pathogens are known to cause serious diseases in mammals, including tuberculosis and leprosy. These organisms are very slow growers; a 5 hour division time is not uncommon.
Myss, Carolyn: a medical intuitive dedicated to creating educational programs in the fields of human consciousness, spirituality and mysticism, health, energy medicine, and the science of medical intuition. In 2003, she established CMED, her own educational institute, which offers two programs, each running three courses per year, on Sacred Contracts and Mysticism. Caroline also maintains a rigorous international workshop and lecture schedule and continues a consultation practice as a medical intuitive with physicians, psychiatrists, psychologists, and other health practitioners.