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— K —


[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X, Y, Z]

[K]  [Keflex]  [Kelley Blue Book]  [kidney]  [Kidney 1]  [kidney meridian]  [kinesiology]  [Kinotakara Foot
]  [Klebsiella]  [Klinghardt, Dr. Dietrich]  [Kojis, Dr. John]  [Kreb’s citric acid cycles]  [Kryon]  [KTS]

K: Vitamin K, a fat-soluble vitamin. The "K" is derived from the German word "koagulation". Coagulation refers to blood clotting, because vitamin K is essential for the functioning of several proteins involved in blood clotting (1). There are two naturally occurring forms of vitamin K. Plants synthesize phylloquinone, also known as vitamin K1. Bacteria synthesize a range of vitamin K forms, using repeating 5-carbon units in the side chain of the molecule. These forms of vitamin K are designated menaquinone-n (MK-n), where n stands for the number of 5-carbon units. MK-n are collectively referred to as vitamin K2 (2). MK-4 is not produced in significant amounts by bacteria, but appears to be synthesized by animals (including humans) from phylloquinone. MK-4 is found in a number of organs other than the liver at higher concentrations than phylloquinone. This fact, along with the existence of a unique pathway for its synthesis, suggests there is some unique function of MK-4 that is yet to be discovered.



Keflex: an antibiotic intended for oral administration to reduce the development of drug-resistant bacteria and maintain the effectiveness of Keflex and other antibacterial drugs, keflex should be used only to treat or prevent infections that are proven or strongly suspected to be caused by bacteria.



Kelley Blue Book: the nation's number-one-selling automotive book, often making the USA Today best-seller list. It features 15 years of used car values on more than 10,000 models of cars, trucks and vans and is available in bookstores, auto supply stores and other locations.



kidney: the human body has two, each of which is about the size of your fist. They are located in the middle of your back, just below your rib cage, on either side of your spine. Your kidneys weigh about 0.5 percent of your total body weight. Although the kidneys are small organs by weight, they receive a huge amount – 20 percent – of the blood pumped by the heart. The large blood supply to your kidneys enables them to do the following tasks: regulate the composition of your blood, keep the concentrations of various ions and other important substances constant, keep the volume of water in your body constant, remove wastes from your body (urea, ammonia, drugs, toxic substances), keep the acid/base concentration of your blood constant, help regulate your blood pressure, stimulate the making of red blood cells, and maintain your body's calcium levels.



Kidney 1: an acupuncture point that is located on the sole, in depression with foot in plantar flexion, at the junction of the anterior 1/3 and posterior 2/3 of line connecting base of the 2nd and 3rd toes with the heel.



kidney meridian: starts from the inferior side of the small toe. Crossing the middle of the sole and the arch of the foot, it circles behind the inner ankle and travels along the innermost side of the lower leg and thigh, until it enters the body near the base of the backbone. After connecting with the kidney, it comes out at the pubic bone. Over the abdomen, it runs externally upwards until it reaches the upper part of the chest (the inner side of clavicle). A second branch emerges from the kidney and moves internally upwards and passes through the liver, diaphragm, lungs and throat, finally terminating at the root of the tongue. Another small branch divides from the lung to connect with the heart and the pericardium. Disharmony of Kidney Meridian can manifest as wheezing or coughing because the kidneys "grasp the qi". They also are the "mansion of fire and water," and the "residence of yin and yang". If there is insufficient nourishment and warming of the kidney, symptoms like edema (swelling), constipation, and diarrhea can indicate an imbalance in this meridian. Pain in the groin and pharynx (throat), which are located along the meridian's pathway, also can indicate a problem with the Kidney Meridian. Acupuncture points in this meridian are used for gynecological, genital, kidney, lung, and pharynx (throat) diseases. They are also indicated for symptoms associated with the pathway of the meridian.



kinesiology: the use of muscle testing to identify imbalances in the body's structural, chemical, emotional or other energy, to establish the body's priority healing needs, and to evaluate energy changes brought about by a broad spectrum of both manual and non-manual therapeutic procedures.



Kinotakara Foot Pads: are processed wood vinegar and natural resource extracts that are made into sachets using advanced technology. When sticking these kinotakara food pads on the soles of the feet while sleeping the sachets extract toxins so that the next morning you will find that the color of the sachets will change to greyish or brownish. The sachets will contain a lot of unpleasant fluid and emit an odour. This shows the toxins in the body is extracted out, whereby the unwanted or unhealthy lymphatic fluid from the body has been absorbed through the soles.



Klebsiella: we all have millions of bacteria in our gastrointestinal tracts, primarily in the colon (or "large" bowel). These bacteria are important for normal bowel health and function. Klebsiella is the genus name for one of these bacteria found in the respiratory, intestinal, and urinogenital tracts of animals and man.  When Klebsiella bacteria get outside of the gut, however, serious infection can occur.



Klinghardt, Dr. Dietrich: instructor of the American Academy of Neural Therapy, and developer of a mercury detoxification protocol.



Kojis, Dr. John: a chiropractor that runs Kojis Chiropractic. The methods that he uses are extremely gentle because they use the body's own built-in healing response.



Kreb’s citric acid cycles: the final common catabolic pathway for the oxidation of fuel molecules. Two carbons enter the citric acid cycle as acetyl CoA and two carbons leave as CO2.



Kryon - The End Times New Information for Personal Peace: a metaphysical book written through the voice of carroll Lee who channels an entitty known as Kryon.  This book was published in 1992 and is part of a series of Kryon books.



KTS: a supplement company also known as Knowledge Through Solutions (KTS Products). It was established in 1998 when Mark and Hillary Schauss determined that there were no easy to buy balanced Electrolytes or liquid mineral supplements available to health conscience people. With the set of six mineral drops and one Electrolytes formula, they began. Over the years, they developed two more Electrolytes formulas, an amino acid blend that tastes good, and our most recent products; Acai Ultra, a high potency antioxidant coming straight from the Amazon and Peltier Ultra, a balanced Electrolytes in an easy to carry capsule.