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Latex Allergy




Pleomorphic Compendium








Frank’s Case


Introduction | Progress Reports | Lab Reports | Medical History | Chief Complaints



January 2000 through June 2000


•Medical Intuitive
•IV minerals
•Medical Intuitive
•IV minerals
•IV minerals

January 2000
While I have been somewhat skeptical of the medical intuitive, I couldn’t help but notice the wonderful improvement of my wife. Her progress, however, seems to have plateaued. And I am concerned about what if any progress. At the intuitive’s recommendation, I begin monthly sessions, through May, with a hypnotist. Again, it is an interesting experience, but I wonder if it will help my symptoms.

Visiting my naturopath, who had been taking a back seat to the intuitive, we explored more of my symptoms and general condition. Most significantly, and disquieting, she determines that I am severely mineral deficient. This is the result of detoxification and not replenishing the minerals lost, a process that is normally followed and closely monitored. One of the symptoms of mineral depletion can be shaking. Hence, I was not experiencing an activating Kundalini, I was seriously mineral deficient. Consequently, I began several months of IV mineral treatments.

Visiting the dentist this month was encouraging in that my mouth seemed to continue healing well. This was further helped by two treatments from the acupuncturist as well.

February 2000
This month mirror January, except I didn’t visit the dentist. My skepticism of the intuitive continues to mount. And my massive sweats have disappeared, perhaps due to mineralization through the IVs.

March 2000
This is the last month that I have IV minerals. And I am feeling much better. Nevertheless, fatigue, joint pain, “raw spots”, hot feet, and all of the “old” symptoms continue. A new freckle has appeared on my face on the left cheek bone. I visit a dermatologist recommended by my internist who takes a look and a photo.

April 2000
Visiting the intuitive has become disillusioning. And while the hypnotist experience this month raises a number of childhood and related issues, I’m not sure that the process will help me with my symptoms, which continue.

May 2000
This is the last month that I visit the intuitive and hypnotist. The intuitive has lost her integrity, to put it kindly. The hypnotist, to his credit, volunteers that he doesn’t believe hypnotism can address the issues about which I am concerned. I also visit the acupuncturist twice.

June 2000
While I visit the naturopath, dentist and acupuncturist this month, I am increasingly concerned about my emotional state. My angry outbursts are growing in frequency. And neither my wife nor I can detect a pattern. My physical symptoms continue to ebb and flow.

•Mild fungus on chest
•Itchy bumps on legs
•Ear ringing (24/7)
•Fatigue (every day, particularly toward the end of the day)
•Raw sensation over my entire body

•Skin pealing off face during morning shower (every other day)
•Burning feet sensation (every two-three days, particularly at night)
•Sore joints
•Herpes (c. twice every 6 months)
•Irritable, irrational outbursts of anger


Flower Essences

•Chicago Peace
•Orange Ruffles
•Royal Highness
•Sweet Bell Pepper (Perelandra)
•White Lightnin’


•Oligo K
•Oligo Mg
•Oligo Se
•Somaplex Multi
•Thyroidium (Unda)
•Luteinum (Unda)
•Magnesium Gluconium (Unda)
•Progesteronum (Unda)
•Unda 4
•Unda 39
•Unda 44
•Unda 243
•Thyroidium (Unda)

•Benadryl (liquid and pill)
Vitamins & Minerals
•B-Balance Liquescence
•B-5 Pantethine
•Buffered Vitamin C
•Coral Calcium
•Evening Primrose Oil
•Flax Seed Oil
•Iodine (Marco Pharma)
•Lacto-S-Plus (Marco Pharma)
•Vitamin EOther
•Drink 8-12 cups of filtered water
•Diet: 30% protein, 30% fat, 40% CHO
•Sonicare Toothbrush
•Detox baths: Baking Soda alternating Epsom Salt
•BHI Allergy
•Aesculus (Marco Pharma)
•Bucco (Marco Pharma)
•Ricera (Marco Pharma)