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Frank’s Case


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July 2007 through December 2007



•Ocean water
•Hot tub

•CT scan
•Orthopedic Surgeon

•Neural Kinesiology


•Raking leaves


July 2007
Then something unexpected occurs. An American physician, a podiatrist, conducting research in Italy is put in contact with me. After reviewing my case, he thinks he can help solve some, if not all, of my body’s structural issues. During my initial consultation via telephone and the Internet, he requested that I get full body x-rays. I was able to find a lab that could piece together a close equivalent to what he wanted.

My wife and I take a week’s vacation at the beach. We go to Birch Bay, a wonderful location that is near the Canadian border. The ocean water is warm and the bay shallow. The San Juan Islands are just off the coast. I soak in the warm ocean water up to my neck every day. I hope that other than feeling really good the water and silica (or really fine sand) will facilitate healing.

This vacation also marks the first time that either my wife or I can go into a hot tub without experiencing adverse effects. I go in every day for 15 minutes during which time I “do the alphabet” with each leg: exercising my hips. I am so pleased that I can do this much, and the discomfort in my hips is minimal. Taking full advantage of the opportunity, I go swimming (only the breast stroke) in the pool adjacent to the hot tub. I have really missed the water: an old, old, friend.

I visit the acupuncturist twice this month for treatments to my hips and shoulders. I am most grateful for the progress my body has made. I also visit the naturopath.

The x-rays and reports entailed the following: X-Ray Findings: Bilateral Hips with AP Pelvis, Neuromuscular Assessment, Posteral Assessment Addendum, X-Ray Findings: Spine and Knees (LINKS)


August 2007
During my next meeting with the podiatrist, he reviews my x-rays with me, specifically the Leg Length Study with Reconstruction (LINK). . They show that my right leg is shorter than my left. The doctor shows me that what seemed to be an anatomically short right leg is really a structural issue. Over the years, with all of my injuries, my body has adapted to address them leaving me with my right shoulder significantly lower than my left, my pelvis rotated down and in, and various vertebrae in my neck and lower back torqued.

The podiatrist’s solution is elegantly simple: proprioceptors. These are foot pads that are inserted into your shoes. He takes measurements of your body and determines where and in what amounts the inserts need to be created: as long as each foot’s inserts are the same. One cannot be different than the other. The goal, amazingly to me, is to retrain your cerebellum, not just your body.

Toward the end of the month, I visit the surgeon who performed the procedures on my hips. He is most pleased with the results, as am I. Additionally I have a Hormone Panel lab analysis (Diagnos-Techs: LINK).

September 2007
As has been the case for virtually every day for the past several years, I am tested using Neural Kinesiology. I believe that without it I would have been dead many years ago.

I have a MEAD analysis performed just prior to visiting the naturopath. And later this month I have a thermogram to determine if my malignant melanoma, or any other form of cancer for that fact, has returned. The test is negative.

I have a growth on my nose near my left eye. I awakened one morning feeling a pain in the area and discovered it. Two days later I visit my internist who examines it. In the intervening days, it has hardened and the pain has diminished. The doctor states that he hopes it is a clogged tear duct. He can order tests, he says, but if it is the malignant melanoma’s return there isn’t anything that can be done. I should make sure my estate is in order, he concludes. Subsequent testing using Neural Kinesiology indicates the same results as the first day the growth appeared: cancer. The testing indicates, however, that the cancer is in a number of my organs. I go on a variation of the protocol I had during the time I had the surgery in 2005.


October 2007
Toward the end of the month, I am no longer testing positive for the cancer. The growth has virtually disappeared. Perhaps it was a clogged tear duct. Perhaps the testing was inaccurate. Either way, I am relieved.

I am really pleased with the progress I have been making with the proprioceptors. My back and neck are not as clunky as they have been for the past three or four decades. I’m sure this is also the result of my four joint surgeries as well. My physical activity is really improving too. I am back to raking leaves.

November 2007
Again, I test positive for cancer in a variety of organs. Back to the “old” protocol. I am concerned, but I have experienced this before and survived it. And, after all, maybe the testing is incorrect. I cannot assume that, however. I’m not that stupid.

I visit the naturopath who helps me with various remedies he views as being helpful for supporting my immune system.

The podiatrist is continuing to help me with the proprioceptors. I have really noticed a change for the better. I continue raking leaves on a regular basis. It feels great.


December 2007
I visit the dermatologist who freezes off a couple of growths on my face, but otherwise gives me a clean bill of health.

And, once again, toward the end of the month, I test negative for cancer. I am grateful and relieved.

•Ear ringing

•Shedding skin from face
•Inability to handle stress

Pleo Rec
Pleo Ut
Apo Hepat
Vitamin C
Perna Plus
Detox Kit (Heel)
Sorbus Domestica
Viscum Album
Juniperus Communis
Mezereum Hommacord
Lacto S Plus
Neural Terrain
Brain Terrain
Liver Terrain
Adrenal Terrain