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Latex Allergy




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Frank’s Case


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July 1998 through December 1998


•Fundamental problem
•Parasympathetic overridden
•Seeing stars
•Crown of thorns
•Quit jobs for health reasons
•Detox baths
•Dental appliance
•Vitamin C
•“Blood blisters”
•Holiday from remedies
•Network chiropractor

July 1998
After watching my wife’s progress with non-protocol medicine for several months, I decided it was time for me to take the plunge. I thought I knew what my problems were: one or more cavitation surgeries where I had my wisdom teeth removed and mercury amalgam removal. (This would eventually occur. The amalgams removed during my seventh month of treatment and my first cavitation surgery in the 12th.) My mind changed dramatically during my first visit at doctor’s office when I saw my blood was dark brown and thick like mud, and compounded by my wife’s comment that it looked like dead man’s blood.

According to the doctor, my autonomic nervous system had so overridden my parasympathetic system that I was rapidly approaching a major event (not a pleasant one): like heart attack, stroke, and chronic fatigue. The doctor also recommended that I take a leave of absence from my two part-time jobs for a few months, which I was most reluctant to do.

I found it most difficult to pay attention to my symptoms and noting them in writing. (This was so my doctor could observe my symptoms between visits. It was more difficult than taking remedies several times a day.

August 1998
I reported to the doctor that I frequently “saw stars,” particularly when I was lying down. She was concerned that it might be symptomatic of a brain tumor, but eventually was convinced that it was only a symptom of my fatigue. I received IV DMPS to help me detoxify heavy metals. She stated that in all of her years of practice she had not encountered anyone with as much metal toxicity as I. Reflecting upon that for almost 10 years, the only reason for having so much in my body, unless it was transmitted to me during my mother’s pregnancy, was from Merthiolate. I sucked my thumb until I was 11. My mother put Merthiolate on my fingers to prevent my thumb sucking, but I sucked through it (for several years). At the doctor’s recommendation, began consulting with a counselor who specialized in “Focusing.” I found the process very useful.

September 1998
I continued my “Focusing” consultations and continued to find them effective in dealing with insights into my emotional states. Unfortunately, my moodiness continues to increase in frequency and intensity. The doctor performed the “crown of thorns” on me. This consisted of injecting lidocaine just under the skin at roughly one inch intervals around my skull and up the back of my skull to the top of my head as well. It was very painful. Much more importantly, my ear ringing stopped and I saw colors for the first time in my life. I don’t remember when the ear ringing started, months or years ago. But I do remember being color blind from childhood.  (I learned to read earlier than a lot of kids because it was the only way I could know what colors the crayons were for coloring books.) While both the ear ringing and color blindness returned within a few days, the experience provided my health care providers and me with invaluable information (and hope) about those two conditions.

October 1998
During the preceding three months, I had hoped to make sufficient progress so as not to have to stop my two jobs. But while there was some peripheral improvement, my fatigue only got worse. So I quit one job and went on medical leave from the other for four months. I continued my detox baths that had started in July. While I usually found them relaxing, it was somewhat disconcerting to see how much the water became discolored from whatever was coming out of my body. Additionally, I periodically got what looked like little blood blisters on my legs and trunk.

November 1998
In November, my dentist made an appliance in preparation for orthopedic orthodontics.
The dentist diagnosed that my teeth had worn down and needed to be heightened so my bite would be better. Since the beginning of my detoxification process in August, my doctor had cautioned me to maintain bowel tolerance. (I did so with Vitamin C.) She cautioned that if I didn’t the excreting toxins, both solvents and heavy metals, would reabsorb into potentially more risky areas of my body than from whence they came.

December 1998
Soon after my mercury-amalgams were removed, however, I tested (through Neural Kinesiology) that my body needed a break. So out came the dental appliance and I stopped taking all remedies.
During this six month period, I visited a network chiropractor several times and saw some signs of improvement with my back. Other than this and my brief experience resulting from the crown of thorns, I did not notice any signs of improvement: many sporadic changes, but nothing making me feel better or diminishing my symptoms.

•Ear ringing

•Irrational outbursts of anger
•Seeing “stars”
•Lower back pain
•Shoulders pain
•Left hip pain
•Neck pain
•Night sweats
•Herpes outbreak
•“Blood blisters” on my legs and torso


•Somaplex Multi

•SanumsVitamins & Minerals
•Buffered Vitamin C
•Drink 8-12 cups of filtered water
•Detox baths: Baking Soda/Epsom Salt
•Crystal Energy